Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A month we will never forget!

Baizley's baby brother was brought into this world on August 24, 2012. He had passed away due to complications from a virus called CMV.
He was 5 lbs. 7 oz. and 18 inches long.  He still had 5 weeks to go.  He looked like a perfect little baby boy with curly dark hair, look just like his mommy.  It was a sad day for all of us and we will always remember him through this photo. His name was Kalani and this was his stairway.

Baizley and Jayden being cousins.

Stick'em up Cooper! Even though Cooper switched schools on us, Baizley still loves to play with him. They are only 10 days apart.

Brushing Grandma's teeth.

Something is stinky!!!!

"Mommy, I want to draw your face"
Playing at the park next to our house.

Playing with the rocks along the Gore Creek at Stevens Park in Vail.

Jayden and Baizley getting ready to cruise on over to the park on a sunny morning at the Shore.

What a great day at the beach!  Heading home to clean off the sand and chill for the night.

Peace from the Philly Airport.

Go Fire Up Chips! Practicing our balance for cheerleading.

Hands up and ice cream in our Original Ron Jon t-shirts.

Taking a nap at the beach.

Ridin' around the bay.

Carrying my toys to the beach.

Let's go fly a kite!

 Back home at the gymnastics center.
Ride 'em cowgirl!  Yee-haw!