Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baizley is three weeks old!

Happy New Year!!!

Baizley, wearing her "Born in 2009" shirt, is wishing all of you a wonderful new year! 2010 is sure to be a very exciting and adventurous year in the Biniecki house. I'm sure many of you are going to be up much later than anyone in this house! But I bet I'm up more times through the night (unfortunately Baizley will want to celebrate on Hawaii time).

Baizley is still enamored with her hands. She has now figured out how to pull mommy's hair and likes to help out holding the bottle when she eats. Being a brilliant newborn, she also entertained herself while on the Baby Einstein play mat. The picture with the blue pants, is her figure skating outfit from Aunt Marisa, Jared just loves it! (Thank goodness Aunt Barb hooked Baizley up with a Flyers hockey jersey for next season!)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Baizley is two weeks old!

Hope this email finds you happy and relaxed this Christmas Eve.

Our baby girl is now two weeks old. She has gotten so big in the past two weeks. Doctor visits-a-plenty finally got us off the jaundice, bilirubin blanket and Baizley ate like a champ last week and is finally over her birth weight. The doctor was very pleased. We are working on the feeding issues and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Baizley and I will get it!
We did get to visit Santa at the ice arena (Santa was her daddy, but that is a huge secret!) Baizley is very expressive with those hands of hers. My favorite picture is sitting the the boppy, with that "I don't know what to do with my hands" look on her face. Just like Ricky Bobby. (from the movie Talladega Nights)
I did slightly torture the little dear with a Christmas photo session. The result is a fabulous Christmas card that is hopefully on it's way to your mailbox. Enjoy your Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baizley is one week old!

So little Miss Baizley is one week old today. It is so surreal!!! Jared and I were having a hard time remembering what life was like a mere 8 or 9 days ago. Crazy!! As Brande O'Hare, a very wise woman once told me, being a mom is the best, hardest job you'll ever have...boy was she right! I knew having a newborn was going to be hard , but I didn't think it was going to be this hard. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Baizley is my little angel, I love being her mommy. (without my mom here, I don't think I would have been able to survive.) Baizley cracks me up with her faces, just like my sister Kelly, and how she uses her hands--very expressive like her mother, but I must say she is the spitting image of her father as a baby.

We got home from the hospital on Sunday totting a bilirubin blanket, oxygen and feeding issues. Monday was a tough day, I pretty much lost it, Baizley stopped feeding and I was beside myself. We are almost over the eating hump, thank God! We've been back to the hospital three times for lab work on the little peanut. Her poor foot looks like a pin cushion. At the pediatrician's appointment on Tuesday he did take her off the oxygen (Yippie, she HATED that tube in her nose), but we had to keep her on the bilirubin blue light b/c of jaundice. She is our little glow worm. It just makes everything a bit more difficult. We do have a follow-up appointment with the pediatrician on Friday where he will hopefully say she is jaundice free. We've been plumping her up to get her back to birth weight.

Jared has been a wonderful daddy to Baizley, always worried she's warm enough, eating enough, safe enough. He loves to hold and and rock her and thinks that she is just precious.