Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tour de Baizley stops at "The Shore"

Baizley loved her new toys everybody won for her at Fantasy Island!

Mommy was so excited to play skee ball that she left the diaper bag on.

Daddy couldn't have been happier playing in the arcade and winning some new toys for his girl.

Hangin' at the beach for a bit!

The cool ocean water felt great, it was a hot day!

My mommy said I have to stay hydrated! And yes I am actually drinking the water, I am not just chewing on the top.

Staying out of the sun with my Albino dad!

Queenie and Papa Den took me to see the ocean for the first time.

Don't let go Queenie! I am not sure about this yet!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day!

Baizley taking her first boat ride around Budd Lake.

Grandma: "If your mommy was feeding you, how did you see your daddy?

Baizley: "I was inverted!"

"Baizley, I will take a picture with you if I can sit over here"

There she is! Miss America!

Maddie, Jacob, and Baizley taking a 4th of July photo.

Bath time on the deck!

I had so much fun in the pool Mommy!

Thanks for bringing the pool, I don't know how much more of this Michgan heat I can take!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tour de Baizley hits Toledo!

Go Mud Hens!!

Baizley with Aunt Sandi catching her up on what happened in the game so far.

Dzai Dzai with Baizley during her 7 inning nap!

Play Ball! Baizley cheering on the Mud Hens at her first baseball game.

Baizley's first visit to a zoo!

Aunt Tina and Baizley at lunch.

Baizley, Aunt Marisa, and Mommy trying on hats at the hat shop in Greenfield Village.

Mommy and Baizley at Greenfield Village.

Baizley's first train ride!

Baizley with Grandma and Nanu (great grandma)

Baizley giving Luca a kiss!